BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-// TZID:America/Vancouver X-WR-TIMEZONE:America/Vancouver BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=America/Vancouver:20240323T080000 DTEND;TZID=America/Vancouver:20240323T170000 DTSTAMP:20240221T000153Z URL: SUMMARY:Gnar Day 2024 DESCRIPTION:Revy Gnar Day returns for all to enjoy on Saturday\, March 23\, 2024! As an added bonus\, International Snowblade Day is being observed f or a whole month this year\, from February 23rd to March 23rd\, so what be tter time to bust out the blades! Post a pic on the ‘gram with #Snowblad eDay to be entered into the photo contest with the Shane McConkey Foundati on.\n\nWhat is Gnar Day about\, you ask? Gnar Day is our way of celebratin g the life of Shane McConkey\, who reminded everyone that skiing is all ab out having fun. It's a chance to leave the seriousness of life elsewhere a nd let loose with the good times. Wear your best costume\; the more random the better! Dust off those 215cm Salomon's from 1988 and toss some epic s pread eagles! Wax up those snowblades and lay down some tight carves! Push yourself\, your friends\, and your family to try something new! Get out o f your comfort zone and do whatever "fun" means to you!\n\nWhile Gnar Day is the best day (hands down\, no contest)\, it is also like any other day at the resort when it comes to the rules that are in place for everyone’ s safety. We encourage you to respect the resort and its staff that really contribute to making Revelstoke the awesome place it is. There are no exc eptions to drinking and smoking policies that RMR has in place\, and like in other years\, there will be bag checks at the gondola base. If you are looking for refreshments\, please head to Makenzie Tavern or the Rockford and if you do\, please do not drink and drive. You can always use the reso rt shuttle to get home and the shuttle schedule is available at the link b elow: ransit/#content\n\nTo max out enjoyment for yourself and everyone else\, w e encourage you to follow the resorts code of conduct and the alpine respo nsibility code. As a gentle reminder\, failure to abide by the code of con duct may result in a loss of skiing/riding privileges. \n \n1. Abide by th e Alpine Responsibility Code.\n2. Be cordial and respectful to all fellow skiers/riders and employees.\n3. Respect all area closures and slow zones. \n4. Refrain from profanity or abusive language in all public areas.\n5. S moking in non-designated areas will not be tolerated.\n6. Alcohol consumpt ion is restricted to licensed areas at the Resort.\n7. Zero tolerance of n arcotics use.\n8. Be accountable for your own actions.\n\nhttps://www.reve _6291_1\n\nNow\, if you have never experienced Revelstoke Gnar Day for you rself\, the best way to learn is to watch "GNAR: The Movie" (https://vimeo .com/18809446)\, which is available for free on Vimeo. If you want to lear n more about Shane McConkey\, check out the documentary film "McConkey"\, which chronicles Shane’s life and legacy.\n\nThe Revelstoke Gnar Day Rul es List. Rather than having a points system to decide how rad you’re get ting\, let your friends be the judges. But always remember\, if you’re g etting rad and there’s no one there to see it…are you really getting r ad?\n\n1. Ego Claim: After skiing a line\, go up to a group of strangers a nd loudly proclaim “I’m the best skier on the mountain!”\n2. Radness Yell: Prior to skiing your line\, attract attention and yell something li ke\, “Hey! Check me out! I’m gonna rip the s**t outta this!”\n3. Tal k Smack: In a serious tone\, look at a stranger close to you and yell\, “I’m better than you!”\, prior to dropping into or after you’ve st omped your run. You are not better if you crash.\n4. Pro Call Out: “Hey (name)\, I can’t believe you’re a pro\, I’m totally better than you! ”\n5. Mad Props: Find at least 5 different Ski Patrollers and give them props or a high five.\n6. Epic Attire: Wear an outfit that a minimum of 6 people laugh at you for wearing.\n7. Old School: Ski any run using 200+cm skis\, or an old school snowboard.\n8. Pole Whacker: Whack your pole above your run for at least 30 seconds.\n9. Buck Naked (BN): Complete any run c ompletely naked.\n10. Hot Dog: Perform a minimum of 5 old school tricks in one run.\n11. Fart Bag: Spot or sport a one-piece snowsuit. Bonus for ret ro-ness. If no one-piece is available\, a most ridiculous costume is suffi cient.\n12. Revelation Line Breakfast: Prepare breakfast while in line-up for Revelation Gondola. Bonus for hooking up the lift operators with food. \n13. Mad Hook Ups: Hook up in Gondola or at the Hammocks.\n14. Call Ma: C all your Mom on your cell phone while dropping into your run.\n15. Switche roo: Ski/snowboard an entire run switch.\n16. Showoff: Stomp tricks under any chairlift.\n17. Fruitbooter: Rip laps on snowblades.\n18. Monoski: Ski a run on a monoski. \n19. Long Way Down: Top of Stoke to bottom of Gondol a entirely on The Last Spike. First down claims it while losers buy rounds at apres ski.\n20. Fart Claim: In Revelation Gondola\, join a group of st rangers in a cabin and produce a smelly fart and claim it.\n\nBe safe and have a great time out there 😜\; ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/jpeg: MG_1608.jpeg CATEGORIES:Community Event,Fun and Games,Outdoors,Revelstoke Mountain Resort LOCATION:Revelstoke Mountain Resort\, 2950 Camozzi Road\, Revelstoke\, BC\, Canada GEO:50.957559;-118.164040 X-APPLE-STRUCTURED-LOCATION;VALUE=URI;X-ADDRESS=2950 Camozzi Road\, Revelst oke\, BC\, Canada;X-APPLE-RADIUS=100;X-TITLE=Revelstoke Mountain Resort:ge o:50.957559,-118.164040 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VTIMEZONE TZID:America/Vancouver X-LIC-LOCATION:America/Vancouver BEGIN:DAYLIGHT DTSTART:20240310T030000 TZOFFSETFROM:-0800 TZOFFSETTO:-0700 TZNAME:PDT END:DAYLIGHT END:VTIMEZONE END:VCALENDAR