Terms of Service Agreement

By using the website revyhub.com you agree to the following terms and conditions and understand that “using the website revyhub.com” includes, but is not limited to reading, registering, logging on, posting, contacting other users (registered or not) meeting someone or otherwise interacting with others on the site, following up with other users outside the confines of the website and using any information you found on the site.

  1. While we make reasonable efforts to protect your personal information and use malware protection as well as reCaptcha on this site, we cannot guarantee that all attacks will be prevented. Use this site at your own risk.
  2. We provide a neutral platform for the purpose of listing classified ads, advertising, announcements, meeting others and informing the members of the Revelstoke community free of charge.
  3. Your donations are gratefully accepted in order to help us maintain and improve this website.
  4. While we respect the basic principles of free speech and strive to remain neutral, we reserve the right to remove your material without notice if we feel it is not in accordance with the intent and spirit of this website.
  5. While we reserve the right to remove material as needed, we have no obligation to do so.
  6. Notices concerning any material posted on this site can be directed to admin@revyhub.com.
  7. Some information presented on this site is sourced from other platforms such as windy.com (weather), Drivebc.ca (Road conditions), and Trailforks.com (trail conditions). Theses platforms are recognized as being among the most useful, complete and up-to-date information sites available in their fields, however use your own judgement, conditions may change quickly and we can not be held responsible for events resulting from the use of the information we share on this site. You are responsible for double checking the information as required.
  8. Use caution when responding to ads found on this site. The information comes from the many users which post on this site, the accuracy of which is not under our control.
  9. You are responsible for all material you post on this site. Avoid material which violate copy right or any other laws.
  10. This site may be seen by minors. Avoid any media or text which would generally be considered inappropriate for a younger audience. (PG13)
  11. When dealing with anyone you meet through this website, use normal caution wether it is in the context of fulfilling a classified ads transaction or any other type of meeting. There is no guarantee that users are really who they say they are. Use your own discretion. All minors should consult their parents or guardians before meeting anyone online or fulfilling any transaction.
  12. Video conferencing is provided through Jitsi open source code and is free to use. We ask that you behave respectfully of others within these environments. These meetings may be difficult or impossible to monitor, and so we recommend that you use at your discretion.
  13. The owners and creators of www.revyhub.com are in no way liable for any damages, loss of revenue, loss of goods, damaged reputation or any other injury which results from posts made by the users of this site whether they be registered or not. Their opinions and offerings are theirs alone and do not represent the opinions or offerings of revyhub.com, its creators , other users or owners.
  14. www.revyhub.com, its creators, owners and users are not responsible and cannot be held liable for malware of any kind which may have been transmitted through the use of this website or any damages or injuries resulting to you, your software or hardware. You are responsible for protecting your software and hardware against any and all such attacks.